The Contester
To contest can mean to challenge the validity of something, such as disputing a claim. It can also mean to engage in a contest. Used in this latter sense, contesting involves pushing against something or someone to test our limits and thereby get a measure of who we are. In this sense, contesting is a natural part of self-development. Toddlers as well as teenagers form their identity in large part by pushing against the limits set by their parents. This contesting ability enables people to draw boundaries around themselves and to declare, in effect, that “this is the territory of my being; this is who I am.”
People whose primary type is the Contester seem to have experienced a disruption during their self-building process, with the result that they are generally unsure of their identity and often carry the wounding message that they don’t matter. This wound typically plays out in Contesters by continuing to compete, push against limits, and assert their boundaries.
Another inroad to a Contester’s warrior energy is to ask what’s at risk to go for what they want. In clarifying the risks, they are then in a position to meet the challenge of taking the risk.
For people whose primary type is the Contester, the magician archetype is their kryptonite and therefore likely to be in shadow. Thus, the final step on their pathway is likely to be into their magician, which provides an objective stance to see the wisdom embedded in their vulnerable sides. To take this step, they usually need to see how they can utilize their protective, warrior energy to create a safe place to look at their vulnerabilities.
Note: If you are wondering how high, or how low, you might be in Contesting, then do our Survey, and talk with one of our certified Practitioners. If you want a more in-depth understanding of the Contester (and the 11 other Shadow Types), then please attend one of our Trainings.